Spring 2 Summer Wakeboard Tournament
Wakefactory hosted Spring 2 Summer once again, and like every year, did it bigger and better. Taking place in Guntersville AL, the party of the summer went down, and it was a great time. Brake The Wake rail jam kicked off the weekend Friday night. The boat tournament followed on Saturday and Sunday with the coveted "golden ticket" and lots of cash prizes up for grabs. Riders as young as 12 to up and coming riders from all over the southeast showed up to compete. If you weren't there, you missed a great weekend! So make sure to make it next year. Check the video to see all the action andmake sure to check out all the event sponsors as well.


The evening starts to begin

Alex on the wall

The new wakefactory rail

Whitley n' Haley rolled back into town for the weekend!


New Dirtbag/Shred Ready coozies



Always cheezin

Leif Lacey


Shred Ready Tervis Tumblers???!!!

T.J. deep in judge thought

Alex Graydon

Matt Sims

T.J. Allen

The party line is always bumpin'



Alex Graydon

Ben Albright

Landon Kasey

Jeff Mathis

Taylor Renfroe


Jeremy Baker

Alex Haney

Russell Brightwell skating his way to 1st place

Ben Albright

1st place gets a golden ticket! Watch for Matt riding in the kKoxville PWT stop this year