Shred Ready Texas Tour Update
The first 3 days of the Texas tour with a few members of the wake team. From Auburn, riders Jeff Mathis, Alex Graydon, Chris Moore, David Luker, myself, Dewey Green to help film and organizer Sarah Giffard, first stopped in Valdosta, GA to pick up team member Quinn Silvernale. After an eventful graduation, the white van headed to Texas for a long 14 hr drive.
We made it in time for Day 2's sunrise in Houston, slept a few hours and got up to ride the brand new Wake Nation park in Houston. Thanks to all the staff there for making it a great time! That night Chris Hopf of the East Coast Wake Park arrived.
Day 3 had us drive up to the Texas Ski Ranch. Amidst strong winds, the riders got out there and had a few fun sets.
Stay tuned for daily updates and videos.
For MORE info go to for constant updates.


Epic bike dude

Team SR...most of it


Alex Graydon...GETTIN' THE SHOT

Quinn Silvernale

Chris Moore

Alex Graydon back to gap 450

Chris Moore and David Luker

Alex Graydon

Jeff Mathis

David Luker

In Texas, you gotta ride a bull

Texas Ski Ranch

Quinn Silvernale



Chris Moore