Atlanta Steez Clothing Film Week
The RV tour stayed in the ATL area the week following the PWT Acworth stop for a week of aquaskooching filming for the team video, "Skoochaholics 3.2" which releases Spring 2011 in association with Dirtbag Productions. Levi n Vinny showed us the spots, and we had a great time. Thanks guys.

Danny-off 3

"Ya, I'm a prowakeboarder. What's your numbers?"

Steez Clothing Skoochmachine

Danny layin' it down

Vinny's dreads came out to play

Danny getting some spillway drops in

Alex Graydon loves winching

Alex Graydon also loves pole jams


Our winch drivers. It's how we do.

Alex hitting up another pole jam in the park

J.Otis shuving the little creek drop