"Brake The Wake" 09 Rail Jam
Wakefactory knows wassup. Everytime they throw an event, there's a good turn out, and people throw down. The past event was a rail jam, with their rooftop and the new kicker, 40 ft. wallride, and a little incline n pressbox. With some cash on the line, riders went out n threw down their best stuff. It wasn't only a rail jam, but there were mustache contests, bellyflop contests and lots of free food! But the weekend didn't end just cause the riding was done for the day. Everyone moved over to the Blue Parrot and got their shenaningan on. The weather was a little shady, but that didn't stop us from rockin' out.



It's tradition

Poundin' em

The best beard to EVER exist

Mustache's were VERY present

Blue Parrot
Miss Anna

Will Smith had to get in on some of the mustache action

Seth Pangle

Joe Jones ladies and gentlemen

Jason Long


Shred Ready

Top 10 Ways...

And we have a bellyflop winner!

The new kicker

Claire loves dem puppies